
Rachel Baum

I'm a life coach, college professor, and former president of the Overthinkers Club. Also, I host the Making Midlife Magic podcast. I love helping middle aged people dream again and create lives they love. Sign up to get inspiring mind shifts sent right to your email box. I don't over-send, and you can unsubscribe any time.

A row of metal poles with red flowers growing between them
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A love note to creative planting

Hello! On Friday I watched Eno, the generative film about Brian Eno. The film is different each time it's shown, so if you see it twice in the theater, you don't watch the same film. For streaming, they created a 24 hour event with different versions of the film showing sequentially, along with other related pieces. I tapped in and out throughout the 24 hours and loved it. The film is a love note to the creative process and it was such a gift. So much right now feels like life coming at us,...

Ravi Kumar, via Wikimedia Commons Do you ever find yourself saying, I’m stressed to anyone who will listen? Me too. Often we just want to be seen. Or maybe for you it’s not stress, but worry. Sometimes it feels good just to share what we’re carrying with someone else, especially if they can relate. But sometimes I feel worse after sharing – not because the other person wasn’t sympathetic, but often because they were. Maybe we just spent 30 minutes talking about all the things that are bad, or...

The Mushroom Wellington This year for Thanksgiving, I made a vegetarian main dish. Just for me. It was a bit of a breakthrough. I mean, usually I just eat the sides, which are the best parts anyway. But this year, I didn’t want just the sides. I wanted a main course. And so, I made one. A Mushroom Wellington. If I had read the recipe before buying the ingredients, I might have balked. It’s not hard but it’s a bit fussy. I might have said, “It’s not worth it." Thankfully, I didn’t. To be clear...

rosebuds in yard

November blooms What do you want to say yes to? I've been reading a book by Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl. It's actually a series of lectures, recently published in English for the first time. It's called, Yes To Life: In Spite of Everything. That gets right to it, doesn't it? How do we say yes to life, in spite of everything? In spite of our pain and worry. In spite of all we don't know. In spite of all that is wrong. It's easy to focus on what we don't want, isn't it? And for sure...

Tomorrow is my 56th birthday. I'm not feeling it. I love my birthday. I really appreciate my life and my birthday is a time to reflect on my blessings – also, presents! Cake! But this year, I didn’t get what I most wanted – Kamala Harris as the next president. I’m feeling sad, worried, and other emotions that aren’t very birthday-ish. My husband and I usually take our birthdays off from work and do something fun. I'm not sure what to do, what will feel right -- but even though I don't feel...

I was talking to a friend who was exhausted by her teaching. She was staying up late at night grading papers, spending 30 minutes on each one. She knew it was unsustainable, but she couldn’t see a way out of it. She told me she really valued being an excellent teacher. “What about sometimes being a good enough teacher?” I suggested. My friend shuttered (literally!). She wanted to be a great teacher and for her, great teaching meant significant time with each student’s paper. Of course I...

When my husband and I were newly married, we had a disagreement that revealed how differently we saw the world. It was about TV. I loved watching TV together. After a long work day, I loved watching together. I’d get under the covers, put on a show, and invite him to join me. Often he’d decline (the nerve!). After a few weeks of this, I was mad. This guy had just pledged to spend the rest of his life with me, but I couldn’t get him to watch TV with me? My husband didn’t get it. He said, “It’s...

Grandma, Grandpa Nat, and me, mid-90s Remember senior pictures? In my day, they were like every other year except in senior year you wore a black drape. When my grandmother saw mine she said, “Brooke Shields has nothing on you!” And then she added, “Well . . . from the neck up.” Oof. My grandma loved me fiercely, but sometimes she couldn’t stop herself from making comments. Those comments especially stung because I heard them all the time. In the 1980s there was no shortage of messages...

Pride month is over, but we can live its lessons year-round. Are you proud? Maybe if you’re not part of the LGBTQIA+ community, you think you don’t get to be proud. Maybe your religious tradition taught you that pride was a sin. Maybe your mother told you, “Don’t be boastful” and you made yourself small. Whoever you are, you get to be proud. Not because you’re amazing. Not because you’re better than anyone else. You get to be proud because you're YOU, and because pride is an antidote to...

Hello love, Yesterday we celebrated my daughter’s college graduation. Earlier that morning, a dear friend’s father passed away. I have to take a breath to hold it all, the joy and the sorrow. I know they live right next to each other. My father passed away the day after the birthday of one of my oldest & dearest friends. We chose that day to take him off life support because I didn’t want my friend’s birthday to also be the day of my father’s passing. Years later, her father passed away on my...