A love note to being late

This love note is late.

In general, I send my email before 9 am – usually on Saturday but lately on Sunday. And here it is, Sunday afternoon.

It’s a familiar feeling, this “being late.” Not because I’m late for meetings or appointments (although sometimes I am) but because of the pace of life.

We have a sense that the important things should have already been done. I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch. I should have called my parents last weekend. If I had bought school supplies earlier, there would be a better selection. I’m overdue for my colonoscopy. I thought I’d be further along on this project by now.

Or we think the important things should have been done five years ago. Maybe I should have gone back to school, or started meditating, or saved for retirement.

This weekend I’m working on a syllabus for a graduate class that begins on Tuesday. Almost 30 years as a teacher and I’m still making changes days before class begins.

And I wonder: What if there is no such thing as late?

Late says, I’m here but I’m not really here. I’m here, but it’s not my best work. I’m here but I’m apologetic.

Late is a stick we use to hit ourselves. It's time to put down the stick.

Late stops us from being where we are, from embracing our imperfect, entirely loveable selves. Late keeps us from seeing the heroism of our own efforts and all we do. It whispers that we’re not enough.

There is no such thing as late is apt wisdom for the end of August, when we so often look back at what we didn’t get to over the summer, the plans our June selves were so certain of. Look too much at those unfinished plans and miss the sounds of children laughing on their way to school. Focus too much on what is late in blooming and miss the tomatoes falling off the vine, right now.

This love note is perfectly timed. Of course it is, because this is when it arrived.

You too.

This week, consider that you are not late at all, ever. If you are literally late (15 minutes late to a scheduled appointment), consider that this is what was possible. You are on time for the 15-minutes-later appointment you were supposed to have. Your presence on the planet is always perfect in its human imperfection. ❤️

You're late is a lie we tell ourselves. It sounds so reasonable, so true, that we don't even see it as a lie. Uncovering the lies we tell ourselves and being able to see the truth of ourselves is the topic of this week's episode.

Episode #65: The lies we tell ourselves

Most of us lie to ourselves regularly -- not knowingly, but we do. We tell ourselves we're fine when we're not; we tell ourselves we can't change when we can; we tell ourselves we're too old/too slow/too stuck to have what we want.

Having the life we want starts with telling ourselves the truth. In this episode:

🎯 Why we lie to ourselves

🎯 How to know something is a lie when it feels so true

🎯 The danger of "I am" statements and how to use them for yourself

🎯 Why a willingness to learn is the antidote to a negative self-concept

I didn't even realize the lies I was telling myself until I decided that I wanted to be a person who didn't regularly eat dessert. We often only hear our limiting beliefs when we decide we want to change.

Take a listen and let me know what resonates.

Love, Rachel

P.S. If you are feeling called to create something new in your life, one-on-one coaching is the fastest way I know to get there. It will let your brain see possibilities where before it could not, so you can see what you want and how to have it. Click on the link below to connect with me on a consultation call, to see if coaching is a good fit for you.

⭐ I love being connected to you ⭐

website: coachingwithrachel.com

FB: facebook.com/rachelbaumcoaching (most active here)

IG: @rachelbaumcoaching (still getting the hang of this one)

email: rachel@coachingwithrachel.com

love notes: lovenotes.coachingwithrachel.com (sign up here if this was forwarded to you!)

sign up for a consultation : https://forms.gle/xeYg8daF2oqp7KCKA

Rachel Baum

I'm a life coach, college professor, and former president of the Overthinkers Club. Also, I host the Making Midlife Magic podcast. I love helping middle aged people dream again and create lives they love. Sign up to get inspiring mind shifts sent right to your email box. I don't over-send, and you can unsubscribe any time.

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